Sunday, October 13, 2013

Drew- from birth to now :)

A few days before Drew's fourth birthday I took a look back through photos of him since his birth. Amazing how when they first come you love them so much without even knowing who they are yet. Even more amazing how quickly they grow and change and start letting you know EXACTLY who they are, what they like, their little quirky personality traits... I still want to do a post specifically for Drew's fourth birthday, his four year old pictures, what we did that day, etc. but I thought I'd share these couple of photos in a post first. I like the consistency they show... him loving cantaloupe, anything musical, tractors, snowmen, and pictures of us with him from each birthday... 

My baby boy. I remember I spent hours upon hours just looking at him. 

Taking our firstborn home. 

so happy, so scared, so new at the whole parent thing. 

baby boy getting bigger. 

and bigger

first trip to the beach! 

my heart. 

he has always loved cantaloupe... 

and the traditional birthday photo began... Drew's first birthday. 

one of my favorite pictures... i took him on a date to the mall to get his "baby bear" when I was pregnant with Isaiah. 

our little drummer boy. 

tractors at the fair, photo #1 

he's got the music in him. 

traditional birthday photo, Drew turns two! 

Drew and his snowman. 

Little stud muffin!! 

Drew gets his first puppy :) 

So classic 

Love how he sleeps with his hands tucked up by his face. 

Drew on a tractor at the fair, photo #2

Drew and his whale. 

traditional birthday photo, Drew turns three!! 

Drummer, guitarist, and singer. :) 

Another winter, another snowman. 

Still loves cantaloupe :) 

Tractors, fair, photo #3. 

traditional birthday photo, Drew turns FOUR! (what can I say, he likes to be without a shirt.... and I have dirty windows....) Happy birthday big boy!! 

1 comment:

  1. he's four?? already?! :) love it - these pix are beautiful. praying for you guys as you get ready for your newest member!
